Page 4 - Domus Ventures Patio Pool Furniture
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              Domus  Ventures  Pte.  Ltd.  aspires  to
              environmental and economic sustainability
              as  a  socially  responsible  business.  Our
              commitment  is  reflected  in  all  aspects  of
              our  business  operations  from  selection
              and  harvesting  of  materials  through
              manufacturing practices to our relationship
              with employees, customers, and the global


              And Renewable Resources                     We  are  concerned  not  only  with  the  global  environment  but
              Most  of  the  components  we  use  in  our   also with the well-being of our workforce. We meet and surpass
              manufacturing processes are recyclable.
              The  primary  components  of  our  outdoor   requirements associated with government labor laws.
              furniture  are  aluminium  and  HDPE,  which
              are  100%  recyclable.  We  also  employ
              reusable,  recyclable  and  biodegradable   No Child Labor                Allowances
              brown  Kraft  paper  to  pack  our  finished   We   strictly   follow   policies   Our  workers  receive  standard
              goods.                                      relating  to  child  labor  and  will   meal  allowances  as  well  as
                                                          not employ any child.         supper  allowances  for  the
              Manufacturing                               Benefits                      night  shift  and/or  overtime
              And Waste Management                        All factory workers are protec-  hours.  We  also  provide  pay
                                                                                        differentials  to  accommodate
              Our products are developed in a manner      ted with health insurance and   for  high  temperatures  during
              that minimizes impact on the environment.   industrial  accident  insurance.   the  summer  months,  June  to
              For  example,  our  factory  in  China  is   We  also  enroll  our  workers  in   September.
              equipped with a sewage treatment plant      government pension plans.
              that filters excess powder coating to ensure
              that the water flowing back into the river is
              toxic-free and has a pH of 6-9.

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